says the New York Mirror, "was made out of a rib from the side of Adam
- not out of his head to top him - not out of his feet to be trampled upon
by him - but out of his side to be equal to him; under his arm to be protected;
and near his heart to be loved."
Boston Daily Evening Transcript, March 12, 1846.
A young British officer in India, who was shockingly mutilated and disfigured in battle, after reflection requested a comrade to write to his betrothed in England, and release her from the bridal engagement. - Her reply was worthy of a true woman: "Tell him if there is enough of his body left to contain his soul, I shall hold him to his engagement." - Bedrock Democrat, Baker City, Ore., Jan 3, 1872. |
Randolph met a personal enemy in the street one day, who refused to give
him half the sidewalk, saying that he never turned out for a rascal. "I
do," said Randolph, stepping aside and politely raising his hat. "Pass
- Russian River Flag, Healdsburg, Calif., June 4, 1874. |